Page 88 - Annual Magazine 2018
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Tennis Europe U12
New Tournament on Aphrodite Hills Resort tennis courts under the
patronage of Carbo One Limited
Being one of the leading coal traders in the world, Carbo One considers
itself as the company conducting the social-oriented business having its
mission to spread the social responsibility and also to launch vital social
projects. Pursuing the abovementioned targets, Carbo One made a
decision to support junior sports activities in Cyprus. Starting with 2018,
Carbo One has launched the Tournament under the authority of Tennis
Europe and with the financial support from Carbo One as the Major
Sponsor. The Host of the Tournament, in its turn, will be Aphrodite Hills,
the partner of Carbo One which is ready to provide the necessary tennis
courts for the new estimated Tournament.
We invite every Aphrodite Hills Resort guest to attend the
“Carbo One Cup” and become a part of it! WHO ARE WE?
What does it take to power the world? With coal-generated electricity
at around 37% in the global energy mix, coal is king. Production
of steel, cement and chemical products also requires a lot of coal.
Therefore, the world needs a really global and reliable supplier of
The “Carbo One Cup” Tournament aims to attract new talented young this hot material. And there is one. Carbo One. This global trader
players on the tennis courts. As meant by the organizers of the Tournament was founded in Cyprus 2001 and offers multi-origin coal and all
in U12 category “First time and Player entry level”, it will help to involve coal grades as well as qualities, and delivers them to consumers
children in an active lifestyle, and to also instill enthusiasm for sport, from more than 40 countries.
and perhaps lead them into the world of big time sports. We expect that
this Tournament will give us the opportunity to discover our new Andre WHAT DO WE DO?
Agassi, Roger Federer, Marcos Baghdatis and Maria Sharapova! Carbo One has developed innovative logistics solutions to meet
the diverse needs of customers and established the reputation of
a reliable supplier in regard to high quality products and services
within the coal and freight markets.
Carbo One considers logistics as one of the core elements of its
business. The company has managed to build profoundly elaborated
logistics which ensure on-time coal delivery to different locations.
The wide experience of its team, as well as the individual approach
to each customer, allows the company to guarantee a perfect
coordination of all the units of the freight hauling chain, including
ship-owners, agency companies and port authorities. The huge
experience and perfect relationship with major participants of the
world shipping market allows the company to provide its customers TENNIS EUROPE U12
with the best business solutions and to transport their cargoes from/ CARBO ONE CUP - Aphrodite
to any part of the world. All this helps Carbo One to strengthen its Hills Resort,
position as the leading coal supplier and power the world. May 12-19, 2018, Cyprus
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”