Page 93 - Annual Magazine 2018
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                                                                                           Ralph Lauren and kids walk the
 OFFICIAL OUTFITTER OF PGA OF AMERICA                                                         runway at the Ralph Lauren
 “The PGA of America is very proud to have   in  major global  sporting  initiatives. Ralph   both on a personal and corporate level.   Fall Children's Fashion Show in
 Ralph  Lauren,  a brand synonymous with   Lauren’s longstanding relationship with this    Support of Literacy at New York
 the best in sports, partner with our premier   prestigious game dates back to 1987, with   Following the death of a dear friend from   Public Library /
 competitions – the PGA Championship and   the  establishment  of Polo  Golf by Ralph   breast cancer, Ralph Lauren helped establish
 the Ryder Cup. Perhaps the most exciting part   Lauren.  The  label  has  outfitted  numerous   the  Nina  Hyde Center  for Breast  Cancer
 of this partnership is Ralph Lauren’s shared   golfing  professionals  with  state-of-the-  Research at Georgetown University. He also
 commitment to our PGA Professionals who   art performance  wear featuring  luxurious   set up the Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation,
 grow, teach, and manage the game.”   finishing  touches  that  travel  effortlessly   which endorses programs that benefit cancer
 between the course and the clubhouse.   care and prevention, as well as a host of other
 This year, the Ralph Lauren Corporation has   initiatives and non-profit organizations.
 been named the Official Partner and Outfitter   The  Ralph  Lauren  Polo  Golf  brand  has
 of the PGA of America  through 2020. The   been reinvented  with a sharpened focus on   Among the many initiatives the Foundation
 agreement  also designates Ralph Lauren  as   the needs of the modern golfer, while still   supports are the Ralph Lauren  Center  for
 the Official Partner and Official Outfitter of   reflecting  the  rich  design  tradition  Ralph   Cancer  Care  and Prevention,  providing
 the PGA Championship, the Official Outfitter   Lauren  is  celebrated  for,  and  the  brand’s   cancer treatment and screening services for
 of Ryder Cups conducted in the U.S. during   dedication for the future of the game.   underserved communities, the Ralph Lauren
 that period, and the Official Outfitter of every   Children’s Literacy Program, which proudly
 U.S. Ryder Cup Team through 2020.   CHARITY WORK  supports literacy and education by providing
 Beyond the numerous awards and accolades   access to books for children in need, and the
 The designer’s partnership with the   Ralph Lauren has received for his contribution   Pink Pony Fund, established  alongside his
 PGA of  America  reinforces the brand’s   to the fashion industry, he is also recognized   wife Ricky, to help raise funds to support
 dedication to golf, as well as its leadership   for his  strong commitment  to  philanthropy,   programs to fight cancer worldwide.

 The PGA of America is very proud to have Ralph Lauren

 partner with their premier competitions,

  the PGA Championship and the Ryder Cup.

 Polo Ralph Lauren items can be found
 at the Golf Pro Shop.
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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