Page 83 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 83


 At the turn of the 20th century in Greece and Cyprus, the local ‘Pantopoleio’
 was the meeting point for all the town residents. The word itself literally
 translates to ‘shop that sells everything,’ and it was the sole retailer for all
 residents’ daily supplies. Mothers would wrangle up unruly children and
 march to the pantopoleio, shopping list in hand, to secure the family’s
 weekly groceries. There was always a friendly face behind the counter, one
 who knew each customer by name, who would often wink at the small
 children playing hide and seek among the large bins of legumes and shelves
 of washing powder and soap. Older children would visit, with their few
 coins clutched tightly in hand, to buy their weekly ration of sweets and
 lemonade. Outside, dice would rattle against backgammon boards, as men

 Pantopoleio: The word itself

 literally translates to “shop

 that sells everything”.

 Aphrodite Hills Resort has replicated the sense of community that the
 congregated after a long day of work for a cup of coffee and some lively   Pantopoleio is known for, with its very own shop right in the center
 discussion. Once found in every neighborhood, today the ‘pantopoleio’ has   of  the  Resort.  Residents  and  guests  alike  are  greeted  by  friendly,
 gone the way of the blacksmiths, the tailors, and the milliners, taken over   welcoming staff, and a diverse range of products, including fresh fruits
 by gleaming new supermarkets and shopping malls. However, they are   and vegetables, frozen foods, dairy products, household cleaning
 still found in many villages, selling all basic necessities, from foodstuffs to   products, and even souvenirs. All products are sold at competitive
 cleaning materials and general household items, and usually flanked by the   prices, and frequently include special offers. The Pantopoleio is open
 neighborhood coffee shop or ‘kafeneio.’   seven days a week.
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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