Page 85 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 85



                                         CYPRUS’ OLDEST BRANDY

                                  Zivania is a much-loved local brandy made in Cyprus, and favoured
                                 for its characteristic taste and light aroma of raisins. High in alcohol,
                                        this colourless beverage is a particularly strong drink,
                                               but deliciously pleasant on the palate.

                                                      Story by Eleni Hoplaros

                                                                 HOW ZIVANIA IS ENJOYED
                                                                 There are a myriad of ways to consume Zivania, be this on its own,
                THE HISTORY                                      or as the perfect  accompaniment  to a selection  of mouth-watering
                The history of Zivania is one that dates back to the 14th century,   traditional Cypriot appetisers such as lountza (smoked loin), loukaniko
                at a time when Cyprus was under  Venetian  rule.  Although   (smoked sausage) and chiromeri (smoked ham).
                there isn’t much by way of recorded history through the years,
                evidence of its production through British and Ottoman rule is   OTHER USES
                referenced by writers of that period, in particular British writer   Aside from being enjoyed as a drink, there are a multitude of other
                Samuel Baker, in his book “Cyprus, as I Saw it in 1879”.  uses for Zivania. Treating toothache or wounds, massaging aching
                                                                 muscles, a cold remedy, or simply to warm up in the iciness of winter,
                Prior to this, in the late 18th century, the Abbé Giovanni Mariti   these are some of the ways that Cypriots utilise Zivania.
                also makes mention of a drink with the name “Aqua Vitae” in
                “Wines of Cyprus, by Giovanni Mariti (1769)”. Mariti seemingly
                describes this alcoholic  beverage in a way that perfectly   THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL ORIGIN FROM THE VILLAGE OF PAPHOS
                resembles what we know as Zivania today.         Some  say,  that  the  first  references  to  the  drink  can  be  found  in
                                                                 Homer’s texts, specifically Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus passed
                THE PRODUCTION PROCESS                           through the island of the Laestrygonians, its giant inhabitants, under
                Frequently referred to as the national drink of Cyprus, Zivania   the influence of Zivania, destroyed his ship.
                is still produced in much the same way it was 600 years ago.
                This  authentically Cypriot  brandy is made  from  pomace  - a   The ancient Greek text states in particular:
                combination of grape residue (including pulp, stems and seeds)   ” […οἱ δὲ ἦλθον υπο τὴν ζίβανον καὶ βάλλοντες πέτροις τὰ μὲν σκάφη
                and local dry wines, in particular  those produced from the   κατέαξαν, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἐβίβρωσκον” *
                indigenous Xynisteri and Mavro grapes which grow on the
                southern slopes of the Troodos Mountain range.   *they came, and they were under the influence of zivania and then
                                                                 started throwing rocks and destroyed their ships and then started
 ALSO...        This pomace-wine  blend  is then  distilled  in a distillation   eating them”.
 Taste the local traditionally distilled zivania at   apparatus called the ‘kazani’. Various qualities of Zivania are
 Ekfraseis Vassiliades Winery in Chandria Village.  produced, depending on the pre-distillation mixture. This mixture   In later references, we encounter Zivania in excavations which took
 VISIT…         is comprised of wine only; a mixture of wine and pomace; or a   place outside the village of Panagia in Paphos, dating between the 5th
 Zivania museum - Vasa Village  (tel: 25942634)  combination of pomace with water and weak Zivania (otherwise   and 6th Centuries AD. It is worth mentioning that ancient civilizations
                known as porakos).
                                                                 used grapes that grew only on limestone rocks.
 Wine Museum - Erimi Village (tel: 25873808)
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