Page 75 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 75
Decorating Tips
to Make Your Home Beautiful
We sought advice from the most prestigious Real Estate, the most elegant
Holiday Residences and the most efficient Property Management in Cyprus.
Here is what the experts of the Aphrodite Hills Resort had to say...
Story by Eleni Hoplaros
Be mindful of comfort
Home décor is a very subjective instance, test out the seating for
art. It’s all about what you find comfort, and measure it for size.
tasteful. A particular style that
can transform a space entirely. PLAY WITH HEIGHT
Making a room appear taller is
Decorating your home to your really down to a couple of easy
liking lies in the design detail. So hacks - long or large mirrors
we’ve accumulated some home complimented by low-slung
decorating tips and ideas that can furniture. Focus on verticals,
be applied to your entire house, not horizontals. Mirrors can also
and integrated into every room in add warmth to a room provided
the way that you want. they’re placed elegantly within
the space.
If you’re planning on redoing A WORK IN PROGRESS
your entire home, the first step is Don’t restrict yourself to one
picking a colour scheme that can style only. Make your home your
then be applied to each room in own with eclectic pieces that
one way or another. Make sure speak to you, that are a reflection
that what you select isn’t too of your life, and that can change
harsh, aim for neutral colours at the pace of your own evolution
that are easy on the eye, and as a person. Mix textures Be strategic with
which are also gender neutral. and patterns furniture placement
BE MINDFUL OF COMFORT Find that one piece of furniture The attention to detail at DECORATIVE ADD ARTWORK OR
We all want that one piece of or artwork that anchors your STORAGE SPACE PHOTOGRAPHS ON THE WALL
furniture that looks gorgeously room. In the dining room, this No matter how messy you are, To really add a personal touch,
chic. Make sure that what you could be a signature table; in the Aphrodite Hill’s homes is with the myriad of creative hang your favourite pieces of
end up with however is as living room, it could be a piece storage available, there’s simply art or photographs that show
comfortable as it is beautiful. of artwork hanging on the wall or uncompromising. no excuse to have anything lying your most memorable moments
If it’s a couch you’re after for a contemporary sofa piece. around, be it kids toys or the around your home. Create a
television control. Whether it’s gallery of sorts – a centrepiece
Create a focal point a restored apothecary cabinet, - in one room of the house
floating shelves or spray painted that’s comprised of a mix of
crates on a book cabinet, coming photographs and art, or else fill
Choose your colour up with decorative storage can your home with an assortment of
certainly be achieved. pieces and be reminded of your
You need to pay attention primary palate, mixing various Sometimes, the most ingeniously So just remember, play around
to the size of your rooms textures and patterns will no decorated room is one that with your home décor, create a
when determining where doubt add great character to any DETAILS consists of old furniture that has space that speaks to your inner
the furniture will go. Think room, if done right. Don’t keep Decorating your been brought back to life. There self and that is personalised
carefully about where each it too rigid in terms of matching, home to your liking are so many ways to restore so to showcase your individual
piece will be placed so as to you want that eclectic feel. Try lies in the design choose your pieces and keep character and the journey that is
maximise space and light. and blend similar patterns too. detail. practicing until perfect. your life.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”