Page 77 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 77


 ‘For the Love of Life’                                          Unfortunately, the situation in Cyprus leaves a lot to be desired,

                                                                 for as all other European citizens reap the benefits of having a
 foundation                                                      national health system in their country, Cyprus does not currently
                                                                 have a National  Health System in place.  Thus, such systems
                                                                 are able to provide the population with the screening programs
                                                                 offered at our Center.
                                                                 National  screening programs  are  non-targeted  tests and  rely
 "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."   on screening  the  whole (asymptomatic)  population.  It is of
 Winston Churchill                                               paramount importance therefore, that such programs are offered
                                                                 for free so as to maximize coverage.”

                                                                 Are there  limitations  in  Cyprus regarding the  provision of
 Story by Eleni Hoplaros                                         optimum  support  and counselling  services  to  families  with
                                                                 children afflicted with some form of mental disorder?
                                                                 “Basic care and rehabilitation for people with special needs have
                                                                 been provided for by the Theotokos Foundation since 1969 in the
                                                                 form of day care and boarding.

                                                                 Today, the  foundation  continues  to provide  shelter, day care,
                                                                 integrated housing units and special preschool education amongst
                                                                 counselling and support to the family. It goes without saying that
                CENTER FOR PREVENTIVE PAEDIATRICS                improvements can and always should be made to provide the best
                In 2017, Aphrodite Hills, through the Foundation, decided to   care.”
                lend its support to the Limassol based Center for Preventive
                Paediatrics  (CPP),  a  not  for  profit  organization  implementing   What immediate challenges does your Center face that need to
                ethnic prenatal and neonatal (screening for metabolic disorders   be addressed for its overall objectives to be properly met?
                and hearing loss) screening programs to the entire island of   “It seems that more solid awareness campaigns aimed at the
                Cyprus.                                          general public, for the provision of their monetary support, are
                                                                 required so as to guarantee the security of the well-established
                The Center has contributed to the prevention of many new cases   national screening programs and face the challenges of expanding
                of intellectual disability and has been a pioneer in the application   our screening platform.”
                of universal prenatal and neonatal screening programs.  All
                programs are offered free of charge to the whole population of   One would be hard-pressed to not admire and respect the continual
                Cyprus.                                          efforts and determination  of the Center in their endeavour to
                                                                 provide the entire Cypriot community  with essential prenatal
                Renowned paediatrician  Dr  Argyris  Argyriou has been the   and neonatal services, as well those services pertaining to mental
                Chairman of the Center since 2006.               health care.

                We  spoke with Dr Argyriou to  learn  more  about  the  Center’s   The Foundation’s aspirations of helping children and their families are
                immediate needs and its continued efforts towards establishing   aligned with the Center’s objectives and we look forward to providing
                medical programs for future generations.         our assistance in raising the much-needed funds the Center requires to
                                                                 continue to do the amazing work that they do.
                What are the current more pressing needs of the Center in terms of
                diagnostic facilities and essential laboratory equipment?
                “A large proportion of the Center’s annual budget, estimated at                   Dr Argyris Argyriou
                €640,000, is spent on the purchase of diagnostic reagents used
 A private initiative charity, ‘For the Love of Life’ Foundation was   IMPLEMENTATION  for our Prenatal and Neonatal Screening Programs.
 created by Aphrodite Hills Hotel by Atlantica Hotels and Resort to   Aphrodite  Hill’s decision  to  create  an  autonomous,  non-
 provide economic and material assistance to people in need in Cyprus,   profit  charitable  foundation  was  based  on  the  belief  that  it   Moreover, the renewal  of equipment  is always an ongoing
 so as to alleviate poverty and suffering, focusing on quality of life.  would eventually have a significant impact on society through   necessity in any laboratory/institution so as to provide a service
 continuous social and cultural activities that support the common   of the highest quality to its population.”
 THE VISION  good with targeted actions.This belief stems from the continuous
 The  fundamental  basis  of establishing  the  Foundation  was to   exercise of human values and is based on charitable offerings of   To what extent does the Center rely on government grants and
 help the less fortunate members of the local community, placing   the founding members of the Foundation. Through a variety of   what would the effect be should such grants come to an end?
 them at the centre of the organisation’s mission. This is evident in   social and cultural activities, the Resort has been able to raise   “Approximately  half of the Center’s budget is covered by a
 the Foundation’s philanthropic initiatives, which place the needs   and provide much needed charitable and financial support to the   government grant. Great effort is placed into raising the other
 of the suffering at the forefront, offering support and providing   Foundation, thereby providing the means for donations to be   half  through  fund  raising  events  hosted  by the  Friends of the
 much needed emotional strength and respect.  made to non-profit organizations.  Center for Preventive Paediatrics and other private donors.

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