Page 41 - Annual Magazine 2018
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            let’s start with summer foods

            Tomatoes                           Watermelon                         Strawberries
            They’re not just a powerhouse of Vitamin C or   Who doesn’t love the sweet juiciness of   Like most berries, strawberries contain high
            antioxidants, they also contain a high percentage   a blood red icy cold watermelon on those   levels  of  flavonoids  which  are  incredibly
                                                                                  powerful in warding off diseases.
                                               hot summer days? This high-water content
            of  lycopene  which  is  a  polyphenol  said  to
 SEASON     contribute to the prevention of prostate cancer.   fruit is exactly what you need to keep   Eating  strawberries  also  increases
            Other health benefits of including tomatoes in
                                               hydrated and cool when the heat is cranked
                                               up high.  Another bonus, the lycopene
            your diet are the maintenance of healthy blood
                                                                                  blood  flow  to  the  skin  and  reduces  light
                                               found in watermelon will also protect your
                                                                                  sensitivity which does much to improve the
            pressure and the decrease of blood glucose in
                                               skin from sun damage.
                                                                                  appearance and texture of the skin.
            people suffering from diabetes.
            Dark, leafy greens                 Green tea                          Zucchini
            I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t   Water  can  get  boring.  So if  you’re on the   If you’re  looking  to  improve  your  heart
            enjoy some variation of salad in the summer.   lookout for something with flavour, green tea   health and decrease cholesterol levels, then
            If you want to strengthen your skin’s defence   is the way to go.     this vegetable is a winner.
            against the sun’s rays, make raw kale and
            spinach your go-to salad ingredients.  The   Not  only  is  it  hydrating,  it’s got  a  massive   This anti-inflammatory food is also high in
            carotenoids in dark green foods convert to   host  of  health  benefits  too,  particularly  in   water, Vitamin C and A, and potassium and
            Vitamin A which are a line of defence against   fighting  cancer,  reducing  cholesterol,  and   low in calories and carbs.
            skin damage.                       preventing heart disease.

 As the seasons change, most of us tend to focus on switching it up in the wardrobe   so what foods should you be plating in the winter?
 department. But it’s not just our clothes that need changing. What we eat also
 needs a little pick-me up, a seasonal overhaul of sorts to make us feel our best   Fish  Oranges and lemons  Potatoes
 through the heat of the summer or the cold of winter. So, what exactly should we   Particularly salmon. What with shorter days   Rich in Vitamin  C, these immune  boosting   Carbohydrates often get a bad rap. But eaten
 be eating?  and  extra  layers  of  clothing,  Vitamin  D   citrus nuggets can not only help you fight off   in moderation, they can provide us with many
            absorption reduces dramatically, leaving you   winter colds, they’re also great for the skin   beneficial  nutrients,  particularly  Vitamins
            at risk for heart disease, muscle weakness   what with their collagen content.  B6 and C making them  optimal  immunity
 Story by Eleni Hoplaros  and incredibly painful bones.                           boosters. Potatoes are also a great source of
                                               Oatmeal and egg                    fibre and folate.
            Salmon is one of very few foods that is   Not together perhaps, but definitely breakfast
            actually  a source of that all-important   options. Why? During the winter, our moods   Pomegranates
            Vitamin D, and as an added bonus – it’s rich   can take a downturn. It’s at this point that we   Rich in antioxidants, pomegranates  help
            in  omega  3 fatty  acids  which  are  linked  to   need to turn to foods that help keep blood   improve the flow of blood to the heart which
            heart and mental health.  So add it to your   sugar levels even which in turn keep our   is particularly important in myocardial
            winter menu, because, why not.     moods steady. It’s stable blood sugar that   ischemia sufferers whose heart blood supply
                                               helps us remain calm and less moody.    is at risk of being compromised.

                            Village Square Restaurants by Atlantica Hotels

                The extensive selection of top tier restaurants by Atlantica Hotels at Aphrodite Hills, are manned by a distinctly talented pool of chefs
                 who remain super focused on composing plates of gastronomic delight - incorporating seasonal local ingredients - as the summer or
                 winter months roll in. Visit the scrumptious Italian eatery, Zimi Trattoria for instance, and dig into mouth-watering salads and oven-
                 baked pizza with beautiful vegetable toppings. Or perhaps indulge in some comforting authentic cuisine at Pithari Tavern such as the
                slow-cooked baby lamb shank or the decadent grilled sword fish or sea bass. You must definitely try King Prawns marinated in Pickling
                                          Spices and grilled in the Tandoor at Gate to India Restaurant.
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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