Page 36 - Annual Magazine 2018
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The Property Management
Team also offers tailored
solutions that suit each
resident’s individual needs.
With General Maintenance Services, residents will find them-
selves exempt from the hassle of keeping up with their home’s
regular wear and tear. The General Maintenance Team will look
after property renovations – both interior and exterior – as well
as a host of other building care services, including plumbing,
electrical repairs, air conditioning and heating maintenance, and
much more.
Taking the work out of paperwork, Aphrodite Hills Property
Management also offers Administration Services, providing
support for property owners with inventory checks, monthly in-
spections, Reception and Key services, as well as payment of all
utility and municipal bills.
Property Management is Finally, to ensure maximum peace of mind, the Property Management
Team also offers tailored solutions that suit each resident’s individual
committed to minimizing needs. These can range from pest control and home insurance, to
water cleaning services and the provision of wireless internet services,
the impact of operations on accommodating each and every homeowner’s requirements in the
best way possible.
the environment. “The progression is continual, we need to be one step ahead”
Property Management is committed to minimizing the impact of
operations on the environment, complying with all environmental
legislation and regulations, and aims to protect the environment
Homeowners can also take advantage of Housekeeping and Maid through the continuous improvement of its environmental
Services as well as Pool and Garden Maintenance, and feel safe in performance.
the knowledge that their property remains in tip-top shape, all year-
round. Housekeeping services cover a broad range of cleaning duties, Aphrodite Hills Property Management and Gardens & Landscaping
from sweeping and washing floors and thorough vacuuming, to re- Team frequently organize informative seminars for all property
moval of used linen and towels and cleaning of windows and shutters. owners of the Resort. The latest seminar focused on gardening
Pool maintenance is carried out twice a week in the summer months, maintenance using exclusively organic as well as eco-friendly
and once a week during the winter, and includes cleaning the pool products and innovative and ecological solutions, in a common effort
walls and floor, and inspection of all equipment as well as water qual- to contribute to environmental protection and create homes that are
ity levels. environmentally friendly.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”