Page 46 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 46



                                    Combining a Business Trip with a Vacation

                                           “Business is a combination of war and sport”
                                                         Andre Maurois

                                                      Story by Eleni Hoplaros

             Chances are, you’re busy leading an increasingly fast paced life that
             often leaves you without enough days or weeks to plan a proper
             vacation. You aren’t alone. Which is why today, many families or
             singles are combining business trips with a vacation, planning that
             sought after getaway by mixing work with leisure.

             Otherwise known as bleisure travel, a term coined by the travel
             industry, this new persona of traveller is rapidly becoming a global
             norm when now more than ever, taking a proper break seems almost
             impossible for most people.

             With the line between business and pleasure very quickly becoming
             blurred, the question remains: How do you do it? How do you organise
             a trip that incorporates elements of business and holiday travel?

                         Location is truly

                    everything, particularly
                     when the hotel you’re                       There is plenty you can plan to do during your business trip

                staying at has all the facilities                without the need to book extra days, simply by taking advantage of
                                                                 everything available to you during the time you have.
                needed to combine business                       Location  is truly everything,  particularly  when the hotel  you’re
                      and leisure activities.                    staying  at  has all the  facilities  needed  to  combine  business and
                                                                 leisure activities. Top class meeting and event rooms, conference
                                                                 facilities, banqueting rooms and work space for one to one or group
                                                                 sessions – all available in one location – is an indisputable benefit
              Often,  incorporating  a  few leisure  activities  during  some  work  for any business traveller.
              downtime can make you feel like you’re actually on holiday.                                                                                                                               BLEISURE
                                                                 Opt to stay at Aphrodite Hills Hotel by Atlantica Hotels which offers                                                                  Known as bleisure travel, a term coined by the
              Even with a packed work schedule, this could be as simple as  all of these amenities, as well as a selection of leisure activities that will                                              travel industry, this new persona of traveller is
              enjoying a meal at one of your hotel’s popular fine dining restaurants,  enable you to disconnect from work when you can, and encourage you                                               rapidly becoming a global norm when now more
              scheduling in some spa time for a much needed rejuvenating respite,  to make time for some fun and relaxation. Build your team bonds by                                                   than ever, taking a proper break seems almost
              or even taking in a round of golf that you otherwise may not usually  keeping everyone in one place. Spend time together, brainstorm while                                                impossible for most people.
              find the time for.                                 exercising, share ideas and opinions outside the conference rooms.
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       Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                                                                                                                                          “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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