Page 43 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 43


 GETTING A                                                                                          Scan to view
 good night s
 SLEEP                                                                                            the Hotel video

 There is nothing more refreshing than waking up after a solid eight hours of blissful,   for the snooze button every morning, try an earlier bedtime, or adjust   and a pair of fluffy socks if your feet tend to get chilly. Finally, make
 uninterrupted slumber. Yet, most people find themselves plagued with a host of sleep   your alarm by a few minutes earlier or later to better accommodate your   sure that you are using the correct pillow for your sleeping position, and
 problems, from not sleeping enough, to having trouble falling and staying asleep. So how do   sleep cycle.   that your mattress is comfortable and supportive.
 we make sure we nod off each night without a hitch? Here are some tips and tricks to try.   MAKE SMART FOOD AND DRINK CHOICES  ENJOY A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP IN A ROOM OR SUITE
             Your daytime eating and drinking habits play a large role in how well  AT APHRODITE HILLS HOTEL BY ATLANTICA HOTELS
             you sleep, especially the closer you get to your bedtime. A late afternoon   The Hotel goes to great lengths to ensure its guests have all the comforts
 Story by Rachel Chrysostom  caffeine boost may stay in your system well into the night, and keep   required for a peaceful slumber. Every room or suite offers spacious
             you from falling asleep. So lay off the espresso by early afternoon, and   luxury bathrooms with separate walk-in shower and bath for ultimate
             avoid rich, heavy foods within two hours of bed.    relaxation, bathrobes and slippers for added coziness, a mini-bar for late
                                                                 night cravings, air-conditioning for that perfect temperature, satellite
 HOW SLEEP AFFECTS US  KEEP IT DARK  Make your stay even more    TV with pay-per-view movies to snuggle up to, complimentary tea and
 Getting the right amount of shut-eye, every night does a world of good   About an hour before bedtime, dim the lights and switch off all   coffee making facilities so you can relax with a hot beverage before bed,
                                                                 and a pillow menu so you can choose the right pillow for your sleeping
 for our health and overall wellbeing. In fact, a lack of sleep can directly   electronic devices. This means TVs, smartphones, and laptops. Bright   relaxed and comfortable by   needs; an experience that is offered entirely by Atlantica Hotels. In
 affect our mental and physical health, causing us to feel sluggish,   lights, especially the blue lights that emanate from our devices, are   addition, the Hotel offers all amenities, including an in-room safe, hair
 unproductive, and emotionally imbalanced throughout the day. Luckily,   especially disruptive and trigger our brains into thinking it’s time to be   choosing the ideal pillow from   dryer, direct dial dual line data port telephones with voice mail, 24-hour
 a few small changes in our daily routine can get rid of that nightly   awake and alert. If you can’t keep all light out of your room, consider
 tossing and turning, and ensure that every time we hit the hay, we are in   using a sleep mask to ensure that you are not interrupted by a flashing   the Pillow Menu.   laundry service, Wi-Fi free of charge in all rooms, Bluetooth enabled
                                                                 docking stations and an iron and ironing board.
 for a night of deep, relaxing sleep.  digital alarm clock or sliver of early morning sunlight.

 By going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day, you are   Whirring  electronics,  smartphone  notifications,  even  a  ticking  clock   Regular, daily exercise is not just good for your heart, it’s good for   Aphrodite  Hills  Hotel  by Atlantica  Hotels  spoils you even  while
 setting your body’s internal clock and optimizing the quality of your   can all interrupt our sleep cycle. Where possible, move these out of   your  sleep  habits!  It  can  help  improve  symptoms  of  insomnia  and   you sleep. Make your stay even more relaxed and comfortable by
 sleep. Choose a bedtime when you normally feel tired, and stick to it   the bedroom, or simply power them down. If outside noises, such as   sleep apnea, and increases the amount of deep, restorative sleep we   choosing the ideal pillow from the Pillow menu:
 all week long.   traffic or noisy neighbours are keeping you up, keep a handy pair of   experience. The more vigorous the exercise, the better, but even light   • Medic, memory foam designed
 earplugs with you, or try a white-noise machine to drown out unwanted   walking for 10 minutes a day can have great sleep benefits.   by NASA.
 PRACTICE A RELAXING RITUAL  disturbances.                       • Comfort Latex, perfectly
                                                                 shaped for the neck.
 Hectic schedules during the day often leave us stressed, anxious, and   GET COMFORTABLE  • Estrella, anti-allergic goose
 unable to relax at night. That’s why it’s important to make time for your  RESIST THE URGE TO SNOOZE  The more relaxed you feel when you lie down, the easier and faster
 mind to wind down and prepare to sleep. Quiet activities, such as yoga,   As tempting as it may be, the snooze button actually disturbs the body’s   sleep will come. Choose your bed linens wisely – whether it’s crisp, cool   feathered pillow
                                                                 • Comfort Pillow, ideal for
 meditation, soft music, or even a few pages of a favourite book can help   natural sleep cycle, and this can make us feel much groggier than when   sheets or warm, cozy blankets, and make sure your nightwear is non-  back and chest sleepers.
 quiet our overstimulated brain and allow us to drift off sooner.   we wake up during other stages of sleep. If you find that you are itching   restricting and allows you to breathe. This means loose cotton garments,
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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