Page 95 - Annual Magazine 2018
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Classic Red Ferrari on display
at Ralph Lauren store /
drive itself and going capable of up to 300 horsepower in the
somewhere with it.” 1920s, this could very well be the first
blueprint for the Batmobile.
Ralph Lauren’s famed
car collection is truly The star of the show in Ralph Lauren’s
a sight to behold. With garage has to be the 1938 Bugatti 57SC
more than 70 classic Atlantic Coupé, the only one of two
automobiles, kept in originals ever built. The rarity of this car
pristine condition in the puts it somewhere between engineering
inner sanctum of the marvel and fine art, and it is considered
billionaire designer’s to be the pinnacle of the Bugatti family’s
garage, Ralph Lauren’s contribution to the twentieth century
collection of rare automotive industry. A piece of art deco
wheels have been on four wheels, this car is estimated to be
estimated by Forbes to worth a cool $40 million.
be worth at least $300
million. Another literal winner in Ralph Lauren’s
collection is the 1996 McLaren F1 LM. The
A MUSEUM-WORTHY GARAGE Some of the more jaw - king of the supercars in the ‘90s, the McLaren
“I’ve always seen cars as art. Moving art. dropping highlights include the 1930 Mercedes F1 raced to victory, taking four of the top
While friends of mine were into paintings, I Benz SSK ‘Count Trossi,’ a roadster worthy of five spots at the 1995 24 Hours of Le Mans.
somehow felt that the real beauty of owning royalty. In fact, it was designed by Ferdinand To celebrate its success, McLaren built five
a rare and magnificently designed car was Porsche and commissioned by Italian unique versions of the F1, with the added
the fact that you can use it. industrialist and racer Count Carlo Trossi, who name LM, for Le Mans, painted a show-
campaigned the car in the Mille Miglia as well stopping Papaya Orange in honor of the racing
You can look at it, enjoy its visual qualities, as other competitions. colors of the late Bruce McLaren. One of these
as with a painting, but you can also get inside $15million-plus cars rests today in its place of
and drive it - which means both enjoying the With a supercharged straight-six engine, honor in the Ralph Lauren garage.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”