Page 34 - Annual Magazine 2018
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the Property
Home buyers who make a purchase for either residential or investment
purposes can rest assured that they are receiving the best possible
return on their investment, thanks to Aphrodite Hills Property
Management. The Property Management team is committed to going
above and beyond in order to fulfill homeowners’ wishes and take
care of all their property concerns to the highest of standards.
The Property Management personnel are well equipped to handle
even the minutest of details, allowing homeowners to feel safe in
the knowledge that their property is taken care of, no matter where
they happen to be. With 70 permanent staff and 40 seasonal staff,
Aphrodite Hills Property Management ensures that there is always
someone on hand to assist the residents, proactively taking care of
their needs before they even arise.
Maintaining a home can be
an overwhelming
to Us frequently.
Leave it experience, especially for
residents who travel
With 24-Hour Security Service, homeowners can sleep easy knowing
Maximize the value of your investment FEEL SAFE AT HOME
that their property is properly secured with top of the line home security
systems. Aphrodite Hills Property Management takes the safety of its
residents very seriously, and offers an Alarm System that connects
each property to the Security Control Room. This is monitored 24/7,
and the minute an alarm is sounded, a signal is transmitted to the
Aphrodite Hills Property Management raises the level of a real main office and an operator will respond within seconds. An on-site
estate investment even higher, as it was created to meet the basic security team will then immediately make their way to the property to
need of homeowners, taking care of their property during their check for disturbances or threats.
absence as well as their stay.
Maintaining a home can be an overwhelming experience, especially
Story by Rachel Chrysostom for residents who travel frequently and are unable to see to those
cumbersome day-to-day tasks. This is where Aphrodite Hills Property
Management steps in.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”