Page 103 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 103
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of the festival.
of love
Aphrodite Hills Resort
supports Radiomarathon.
The popular Christmas Radiomarathon Festival took place once again great pleasure and delight in an unforgettable festive weekend.
at Aphrodite Hills Resort in December 2017.
Guests enjoyed the splendid festive lighting of the Resort’s impressive
Aphrodite Hills Resort actively supports the multi-faceted charity work Christmas Tree and a pleasurable 2-day stay at the Resort.
that Radiomarathon has undertaken for decades. The annual Christmas
Festival attracts more than 5,000 visitors each year, and children of all A cheque for twelve thousand, one hundred and forty-six euros
ages have a large and varied list of activities to enjoy, ensuring they take (€12,146) was handed to Radiomarathon Charity Foundation.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”