Page 101 - Annual Magazine 2018
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The attire you wear to putt must protect
you from the elements, and allow
you to move freely to swing.
Tennis is another sport where proper attire on the court is a
must. Beyond fashion’s sake, correct tennis outfits help prevent
unnecessary injuries and facilitate better performance and comfort
when playing. Headgear in the form of a hat or visor is often
advisable to protect your eyes from the sun, and cotton blend
shirts and shorts or tennis skirts will allow you to feel cooler, more
comfortable, and move with ease.
Aphrodite Hills Tennis Academy Pro Shop is run by a highly
Play like apro
experienced and dedicated team of tennis professionals, and
offers a comprehensive selection of the latest tennis apparel and
GOLF PRO SHOP equipment. Pop in to chat with the staff about your game, get some
Golf clothing goes beyond just helping you look your best out advice, and try on some fresh new clothes to wear out on the court.
on the green. The attire you wear to putt must protect you from
the elements, and allow you to move freely to swing. Feeling The shop features the latest sporting apparel for adults and juniors.
comfortable in golf clothes allows golfers to focus on improving Tennis rackets are available to purchase, so why not try before you
their game, while staying dry and relaxed. This is why good buy, and play a game using one of our demonstration rackets to
quality golf clothes need to be waterproof and breathable, find the perfect one for you.
protecting golfers from all-weather elements and keeping them at
an optimally comfortable temperature.
The Aphrodite Hills Pro Shops
carry an extensive range of
Dress like a golfing and tennis equipment.
Golf clubs also have additional rules about the specifics of
golfing etiquette, namely the style of clothes worn out on the
Wearing appropriate attire on the court or on Golf Course. While golfing fashions have evolved over the years,
the green is just as important as using the right strict adherence to a particular dress code has always remained.
For instance, gentlemen are required to wear collared shirts and
equipment. Clothing has many functions, and it is conservatively tailored shorts. For ladies, dresses, skirts, slacks,
vital to choose the right outfit for the activity you golf shorts, blouses and golf-specific t-shirts are all considered
are performing, and for the conditions you will be appropriate. Denim, t-shirts, sweat pants or other athletic wear is
performing it in. Aphrodite Hills Golf and Tennis generally not permitted anywhere on the Golf Course.
Pro Shops have you covered with everything you Aphrodite Hills Golf Pro Shop carries an extensive range of
will need, whether you are swinging a club or a golfing equipment, as well as stylish apparel from the world’s
racket. leading brands, including Polo by Ralph Lauren, Sunice, Hugo
Boss, Ahead, E&P, Kate Lord, with new brands continuously
Story by Rachel Chrysostom being introduced, such as Under Armour and Puma. Golfers can
select from men’s and ladies’ specialized clothing and footwear,
as well as the latest golfing accessories, clubs and bags from such
elite brands as Titleist, Cobra and Callaway. The friendly and
knowledgeable staff is always on-site to help you make the right
selection for your day out on the turf.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”