Page 107 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 107
with it
Hygge, (pronounced hoo-gah), is a Danish word used to describe the feeling of coziness or …a sense
intimacy that comes from warm, familiar surroundings, pleasurable activities with friends, and
an overall feeling of happiness and wellbeing. Find out how to incorporate some of purpose
Hygge into your life at Aphrodite Hills Resort.
Story by Rachel Chrysostom
The purpose of life is not always to be happy. It is to be honourable,
Consistently ranked as the happiest country in the world, it sure the ritual of preparing a cup of tea from scratch, and prefer to use
seems like Denmark would know a thing or two about creating herbal infusions such as chamomile or peppermint, which promote compassionate and to be of use, to be able to live and live well.
a unique, heart-warming way of living. Born out of an attempt relaxation and calmness. If coffee is more up your alley, warm up
to survive the cold, dark, winter months, Hygge became a way with a cup of Mocha Italia blend from Costa Coffee at the Village
for the Danes to celebrate and acknowledge the little pleasures Square and watch the world go by. a charm for a cause
of everyday life, be it a glowing candle, a steaming cup of hot
chocolate, a home cooked meal with friends, or a warm fuzzy LET IT GLOW
blanket. Here’s how to bring Hygge into your own life, whether No Hygge is complete without the soft glow of candlelight.
at home or in the comfort of Aphrodite Hills Resort accomodation Dimming the lights in favor of a flickering flame creates an Aphrodite Hills will be accepting donations for the “For the Love of Life Foundation”.
options. atmosphere of relaxation and serenity, one that automatically puts Each donation will have a value of €15 and will be accompanied by a charm souvenir
your mind at ease. This effect is deepened with scented candles, (choice of bracelet or necklace).
GET COMFORTABLE so choose aromas that inspire tranquility, such as lavender, lemon,
Comfortable clothing is the number one rule of Hygge. In fact, or jasmine. Smell is a big part of Hygge, especially scents that Make your donation at Aphrodite Hills Resort premises.
there is even a word for those comfy pants you lounge around remind you of a memory of a time or place where you felt safe and
in: hyggebukser. For ultimate relaxation – and Hygge – simply comfortable. Think freshly baked cookies, clean laundry, or even
pull on your favourite pair of snuggly sweatpants, add a woolly a beloved perfume.
blanket and some fluffy pillows, and delight in the cozy softness
Natural elements, especially wooden branches, twigs, fresh
WARM UP WITH A CUPPA bunches of greenery, and sprigs of herbs, all help create a bond
A cup of steaming, lovingly brewed tea goes hand in hand with with nature that is an important part of the Hygge concept. Beautify
the aforementioned sweatpants, and is one of the mainstays of the your surroundings with natural objects, especially ones that bring
Hygge concept. In Aphrodite Hills Holiday Residences, the fully a fresh, earthy scent into your home, such as aromatic herbs or
equipped kitchens allow you to steep the perfect brew. Relish in spruce and pine branches, for an instantly calming effect.
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Aphrodite Hills Resort “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”