Page 21 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 21

 The PGA was originally a male dominated body that strived to raise  PRESENCE ACROSS THE GLOBE
 the profile and credibility of professional golfers so as to improve   The  PGAs are present  in countries  such as Canada, America  and
 their working conditions and general welfare throughout their   Australia, and have also partnered with the Ryder Cup, one of golf’s
 careers. It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that women   biggest sporting events.
 began demanding increased presence in the game which led to the
 establishment  of  the  Women’s Professional  Golfers  Association   The association remains committed to inspiring golfers everywhere
 (WPGA) in 1978.  to achieve their full potential, and continually strive to enhance the
 development and profile of the golf industry by ensuring, amongst
 Today, the PGA is involved in a number of initiatives to advance the   other things, that golf facilities in the United Kingdom and abroad
 game of golf worldwide, including projects like England Golf, Club   adhere to the highest of standards; by training and educating PGA
 Golf in Scotland and others in Wales and Ireland.  professionals who can then go on to work with other golfers to grow
 and improve the  sport on a worldwide level;  and by entering  into
 The recognition of PGA   partnerships with global organisations from which PGA members can
 benefit in terms of knowledge and expertise.
 places the already   The recognition of PGA National Cyprus places the already award-

 award-winning Aphrodite Hills   winning Aphrodite Hills Golf as one of the highest ranking courses
 among Europe's golf courses, considering that there are only five (5)
 Golf on the highest places   PGA National Resorts in the entire Europe.

 of Europe’s golf courses.  Aphrodite Hills Golf PGA National, Cyprus significantly raises the
 level of quality of sports tourism in Cyprus and places it on the map
 of elite countries in terms of golf facilities.

 An extensive investment upgrade to the value of €4 million,
 includes an entire modernisation and reconstruction of
 greens, bunkers, and Clubhouse facilities, and also the
 creation of a Members Lounge.
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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