Page 19 - Annual Magazine 2018
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 This premier world-class standard course has gone under an extensive   To  this,  PGA  Chief  Executive,  Robert  Maxfield  added:  “We  are
 investment upgrade to the value of €4 million, which includes an   delighted Aphrodite Hills has become the PGA National Cyprus. Doing
 entire  modernisation  and  reconstruction  of  greens,  bunkers,  and   so reflects its outstanding and recently renovated golf course in addition
 Clubhouse facilities, and also the creation of a Members Lounge.   to its existing five-star accommodation facilities and leisure facilities.
 This will  cement Aphrodite  Hill’s Golf Course as the  must-play
 course in the Mediterranean region.   The PGA is proud to promote the PGA National Cyprus alongside
 its other national  facilities  in Europe.  In joining  our portfolio  of
 national facilities, the PGA National Cyprus further strengthens the
 PGA is a members’   PGA’s brand globally”.
 organisation that seeks to   THE PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS ASSOCIATION (PGA)
 Doing much to promote the game of golf through various collaborative
 enhance the golfing experience   projects with other renowned golf bodies, the Professional Golfers
 Association (PGA) is a members’ organisation that seeks to enhance
 of golfers all over the world.  the golfing experience of golfers over the world.

 The oldest PGA across the globe, it was established in England
 in 1901 with members that included famed golfers JH  Taylor,
 Andrew Darker, Director at Aphrodite Hills Golf, noted: “Over the last   James Braid and Harry Vardon. Currently, Ian Poulter (Ryder Cup
 15 years Aphrodite Hills has built a strong reputation as both a Golf   champion) and Paul Lawrie (1999 Open Champion) make up some
 Course and Resort. We believe the association with the PGA will raise   of its 7500 members located in the UK and over 80 other countries
 our brand profile even further, with the most beneficial improvement   globally.
 being to the overall awareness of our stunning golf course”.

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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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