Page 63 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 63



 olive tree


 “The olive tree is surely the richest gift of Heaven. I can scarcely expect bread.”
 Thomas Jefferson

 Story by Eleni Hoplaros

 Indigenous to Cyprus from the Neolithic  period, the olive tree   OLIVE OIL PRODUCTION IN CYPRUS TODAY  Cancer prevention.  Although it’s not altogether  clear  as to what   Obesity and Diabetes Despite what’s being drummed  into us
 remains a familiar  feature of the island’s landscape. Found in   Whilst  the  production  of olive  oil  in  Cyprus has improved   part of the olive oil plays the largest part in the fight against cancer,   regarding  this idea  that  consuming  fat  makes  us fat,  it has been
 practically every town and house garden, this much-favoured tree can   dramatically, it  is still  a task also largely  done by members  of   research is starting to show that this oil certainly plays a role. In fact,   shown that there is actually less obesity amongst people from the
 also be seen growing in abundance in the forests of Pentadactylos,   families.  Due  to  the  significant  sophistication  of  the  production   various studies have shown that a certain fat in olive oil can protect   Mediterrean region who consume diets that contain a fair amount
 Karpasia, Akamas, Paphos, Limassol and Stavrovouni.  methods used today, and the high quality of Cyprus olive oil, many   against bowel and rectum cancers. It is also being said that olive oil   of olive oil.
 producers have gone on to win international competitions for the   can be accredited for reduced incidence of developing breast cancer.
 A SACRED OIL  end product. Further, the demand for organic olive oil production   Pregnancy. The healthy development of a fetus requires Vitamin E
 Once  considered  sacred,  olive  oil  was used  for  blessings  given   has also  increased due to  the  rise  in  the  want for products  not   Cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that  following a   which is sufficiently present in olive oil. In addition, it also provides
 to kings and athletes. It was also the eternal flame of the original   contaminated by chemical processing.  Mediterranean style diet rich in its use of olive oil reduces the risk   the fatty acids that are essential for the development of a newborn
 Olympic Games, and it was used to light revered lamps in temples.   for a heart attack. Further, since being comprised of phenol, olive oil   child.
             is said to contribute to the better functioning of blood vessels.
 smoke of burning olive branches is believed to protect one’s home and  Wedding couples are encouraged
 In Cyprus, the leaves of the olive tree are said to ward off evil, and the
 to plant their own commemorative
 family.                             Aphrodite Hills and the Olive Tree
 AN ANCIENT HISTORY                                       A LOVE AFFAIR
 In Cyprus, olive trees have been around since antiquity, with a huge   tree in the grounds of Aphrodite
 number of wild olive trees found in the southern Troodos region.
 Archaeological  evidence  dating  back  thousands of years before   Hills as an eternal reminder   The olive tree is an essential part of the landscape at Aphrodite Hills and can be found in abundance across the Resort’s grounds.
 the birth of Christ includes olive pits found at various sites across   Approximately 2000 olive trees can be found throughout the Resort. The big olive tree by the entrance of the
 Cyprus such as Nicosia, Kyrenia, Larnaka, Famagusta and Salamis.  of their special day.  Hotel is more than 200 years old.

 Aside from the pips, other finds relating to olive oil production include   The olive tree is also given as a unique gift following each wedding ceremony - wedding couples are encouraged to plant their own
 separation vessels, vats, mortars, millstones, among others. Perforated   commemorative tree in the grounds of Aphrodite Hills as an eternal reminder of their special day.
 monoliths have also been discovered, predominantly in the south  THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF EATING OLIVE OIL
 Troodos region evidencing what many think was equipment used for   The consumption of olive oil comes with it numerous health benefits   Aphrodite Hills Resort knows and cherishes this super flavoursome golden liquid, which also takes on an indirect role in many of the
 the production of oil. Olive oil production continued through the years,   that  have served the Mediterranean  diet,  in particular, well for   dishes served up at the Resort. While not a primary ingredient, this oil does much to elevate the culinary experience at many of the
 although not always in great quantities, nor for aggressive commercial   hundreds of years.  restaurants such as Ladi & Rigani and Pithari Tavern by Atlantica Hotels, to name just a few.
 use. Yet the relationship between people and this tree still thrives.
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 Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                   “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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