Page 28 - Annual Magazine 2018
P. 28

SEASONS | CRASH TEST                                                                                                                                                             There is a plethora of outdoor activities
              SUMMER                                                                                                                                                                                   for summertime visitors to indulge in at

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Aphrodite Hills Resort.


                WINTER                                                                                                                                                                                           nothing to do other than pamper myself

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   treatments. Somewhere where I have

                                                                                                                                                                                                             – unplugged and surrounded by majestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                          scenery.  The Retreat Spa  by  Atlantica Hotels
                                                                                                                                                                                                      provides a tranquil ambience where life seems to slow
                                                                                                                                                                                                   down to a pace that allows you to immerse yourself fully
                                                                                                                                                                                               into the moment, without any distractions.
              Our writers face off on which months of the year they                                                                                                                          NATURE
                  think should be crowned King of the Seasons!
             summer                                                                                                                                                                          Winter in Cyprus comes with this amazing rebirth of the natural beauty
                                                                                                                                                                                             that abounds here. The contrast of the vivid greenery of the nature
                                                                                                                                                                                             trails and mountain terrain to the grey skies above is gorgeous. This
                                                                                                                                                                                             makes it the perfect time for me to get in some exercise, breathing in
                                                                                                                                                                                             The area surrounding Aphrodite Hills Resort provides some of the
                                                                 cheese. Summer fruits in Cyprus are plentiful and scrumptious,
            Story by Rachel Chrysostom                           indulgences: a slice of sweet watermelon with a side of salty halloumi                                winter                crisp clean air, without the sun beating down on my back relentlessly.
                                                                                                                                                                                             best off-road routes and hill gradients for cycling enthusiasts, as well
                                                                 and naturally, all are best enjoyed poolside. So stock up on melons,
                                                                 watermelons, apricots, cherries, plums, figs and – if you’re feeling brave                                                  as some great running and trekking routes.
            COMFORT                                              – prickly pears and enjoy the true delights of summer! And let’s not forget
            Breezy summer dresses, living in your bathing suit, light gear that   that summer is the time of year when mouthwatering smells of barbecue                Story by Eleni Hoplaros  CULTURE
            allows you to move as freely as possible? Sign me up! Summer is   begin wafting from every house in the neighborhood. Need I say more?                                           Where the tendency is to cozy up indoors when the frosty weather
            the best for feeling comfortable by wearing as little as possible. And                                                                                                           outside seems too daunting, winter can also be a time of adventure
            if the heat starts to get unbearable? Nothing a dip in the pool can’t   ATMOSPHERE                                                                                               and discovery. Cyprus offers so much by way of centuries of history
            cure!                                                                                                                        DESTINATION                                         and culture, a past steeped in the stories and myths of the kingdoms
                                                                 There is just something about that luscious smell of summer that gets me   A winter getaway doesn’t mean compromising on the beauty that
                                                                 every time. It’s a blend of freshly cut grass, the salty sea breeze, and the                                                that  established  themselves  here  at  one time  or  another.  A  mild
            BEAUTY                                               coconutty aroma of sunscreen that immediately takes me to my happy      living on an island affords you. There’s nothing more spectacular   winter climate makes the island a perfect getaway for those looking
            Nothing beats the beauty of island living in the summertime. With the   place.                                               than soaking up the views of waves crashing onto a rugged   to travel beyond the coastline and summer sun, and inwards to the
            summer sun illuminating every nook and cranny, Cyprus appears in                                                             coastline or listening to the sounds of thunder from the comfort of   archaeological sites and architectural remains dotting the landscape.
            an explosion of colors. The sky is clear and bright, the azure hues of   FINAL THOUGHTS                                      your hotel’s toasty lounge or bedroom. Aphrodite Hills offers the   Remains which evidence a time of knights, Kings, and conquerors,
            the Mediterranean sparkle and the golden sand is hot under your feet.   Summertime for the win! The days are longer,         most sensational landscape, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea,   and which still speak the tales of the Venetians, the Romans, the
            Now what’s more beautiful than that?                 the sky is brighter, the air is cleaner, and we                         making for an unforgettable escape.                 Ottomans and the Phoenicians that passed through here.
                                                                 can begin shedding our winter layers
            THINGS TO DO                                         and  expose our skin to the sun’s                                       RELAXATION                                          FINAL THOUGHTS
            There is a plethora of outdoor activities for summertime visitors to   glorious rays – always with the                       Getting away during the winter also means finding a place where I   For me, winter wins hands-down when wanting a brief respite
            indulge in at Aphrodite Hills Resort. Beach bums can head to the Zias   correct SPF of course!                               can indulge in some much needed therapeutic and rejuvenating spa   from the world. The appeal of spending my wintery days in a snug
            Beach Club in Avdimou Bay to enjoy crystal clear waters as far as   Now that is bliss.                                                                                                      getaway which offers all the comforts, relaxation
            the eye can see, or dip their toes into some mythology at the famous                                                                                                                        and adventure, that one seeks on holiday, in a
            Aphrodite’s Rock.  The more active among us can explore the hills                                                                                                                           spectacular panoramic setting, well, what more
            around the Resort, where well-marked paths lead the way to stunning                                                                                                                         could I ask for?
            views of the Mediterranean panorama. If cycling is more up your alley,
            the Resort offers guided cycle tours as well as mountain bike riding
            for all levels of experience. And once you get your blood pumping,
            you can always bring the temperatures down with a dip and a
            poolside cocktail back at the Resort. Summer activities,
            There is no greater delight than biting
            into a sweet, juicy plum, polishing
            off a bowl of delicious
            cherries, or sitting down
            with  that  most
            Cypriot of

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Winter wins hands-down when wanting
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a brief respite from the world.
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       Aphrodite Hills Resort                                                                                                                                                                                          “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”
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